Ashley Gresko
Fine Arts
Courses Taught
High School Choir
Middle School Choir
High School Theatre
High School Media Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Music Education
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
Master's Degree in Music Education
Auburn University
Post Master's work
The University of West Alabama
Mrs. Gresko has taught secondary and college Fine Arts courses for the last 16 years.

Before coming to New Brockton, Mrs. Gresko taught music throughout the states of Ohio, South Carolina, and Alabama. She held the position of Choral Director at Wallace Community College, Music Instructor at Central Alabama Community College, and was a music teacher at a variety of secondary schools along the East Coast. Throughout her career, Ashley has performed professionally as vocalist and cellist. She has a passion for musical theatre as well as classical and contemporary choral music. Mrs. Gresko is an experienced choreographer and clinician for show choirs, theatre programs, and marching bands. A career highlight was serving as the "Tiger Eyes" Auxiliary Coordinator for The Auburn University Marching Band in 2008-2009.